““Kim’s gift of speaking poems is a gorgeous incantation, an irresistible call to break open.”
—Eve Ensler”
Since 1990, Kim has been exploring a new dimension of the ancient marriage between poetry and music. With world-class musicians such as Jami Sieber, Gary Malkin and Chloe Goodchild, she has created an innovative dialog where music that spans the spectrum from world rhythms to prayerful stillness is interwoven with spoken poems from around the world and across time. Concerts vary … including the poetry of such mystical masters as Rumi, Rilke, Eliot and Dickinson, as well as modern voices such as Ellen Bass, Marie Howe, Mark Nepo and Lucille Clifton.
Each concert is an invitation to rediscover what mystics, poets and shamans have known for centuries: when you join powerful rhythms with the language of the soul, the mind can’t contain the experience and bursts open to an unsayable “Ahhh!” of pure wonder.
Profits from the concert will be divided between Kim Rosen’s charitable trust the SHE College fund for Maasai girls and a local organization dedicated to stopping violence against women and girls.
“The congruence of spoken poems with music inspires me as to what alive, vibrant human souls can create together. The poems were potent, on target, heart breaking, beautiful, disruptive. Clearly the poetry concert is a culmination of Kim’s lifetime of living and teaching and learning... a riveting experience.”
“Have you ever been deeply moved by a piece of music? Have you ever been captured and compelled by a word, phrase, or poem? Now for a moment imagine those experiences combined in a way that is so powerfully delivered by the artists that it transcends the physical people involved and alchemizes to create a space in which magic and miracles can and do occur.”