The Audiobook
Read by the Author
Available now on Audible!
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“I didn’t know how much I needed to hear Saved by a Poem. For over 15 years, I’ve treasured my much-dog-eared paperback copy, but like a poem, this was a book that desperately wanted to be spoken, to be heard, to be brought into the body with music and cadence. The generosity, passion and honest joy in Kim’s voice makes the words bloom in me, and I discover again, as if for the first time, how powerfully, how generously language can open us, can bring us into communion with the other beings in this world and with the world itself. Listening to this book, I feel transformed, galvanized, alive with possibility and hope for humanity. It’s a love song of a book spoken by one of the greatest readers of poetry of our time.” - Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, author of All the Honey and The Unfolding
"I read and loved Saved by a Poem 14 years ago in print form. Now, with Kim's gorgeous voicing of her prose mingled with the great poetry that inspired her, and the exquisitely sensitive accompaniment of Jami Sieber's electric cello, the work resonates with even greater depth. I don't know how Kim packs so much emotion and tenderness into every syllable...but she does, revealing new layers of meaning to poems I thought I knew well. It was an inspiring experience to read her book with my eyes over a decade ago. It is a transformative experience to listen to it now." - Alison Luterman, author of In the Time of Great Fires and Desire Zoo