COST: $1025 US, plus 525 euros lodging/food
CONTACT: Kim Rosen
(Open to all who have previously participated in a workshop with Kim and others by interview)
Limited to 12 – 16 participants.
Join Kim to pioneer the frontiers of consciousness and creativity. Poems, prayers, and song speak the mystery, the silence, the ineffable joys and sorrows of the inner life. When you take them deeply into yourself and give voice to them, you cause shifts in your biochemistry, feelings, thoughts and consciousness that align you with your deepest self. You are giving voice not only to the words, but to your true being.
In this retreat we immerse in the poems we love and the words we write. They become our teachers, healers and companions. We invite the magic that unfurls as poetry intertwines with music. In addition there are sessions of breathwork, sounding and movement. We enter silence together and alone. The retreat culminates in a “mysterium”: an exploration beyond ordinary words that spans poetry and music, night and day, sound and silence, waking and sleeping, aloneness and communion…